We are meeting in front of the Gadsden jail on the first Friday of May from 3pm-6pm. We are praying to see an end to mass incarceration. We are locking up the homeless, mentally Ill and drug addicts. We need to change these laws along with the new law passed, in Gadsden, making homelessness illegal. We are also addressing the food $ kept by the sherrifs in this state.
We will be dressed up in prison uniforms and superhero outfits. If your more conservative wear an Alabama or Auburn T-shirt. The walk will Go through downtown first Friday where will huddle up for prayer. We will then walk to the lynching Memorial by the railroad tracks. This memorial was errected by the Equal Justice Innitiative, which opened their memorial in Montgomery this past weekend. Them memorial shows how we have gone from lynching and slavery to mass incarceration. Our walk will end at Back Forty Star Wars party. May the Fourth be with you.
We are also going to be picking up trash all over the state in our prison uniforms. We are trying to encourage cities to start hiring the homeless, mentally ill and felons. A number of other states have innitiated a similar program.
One of my friends Jack a former Aryan brother hood member will share his testimony. He was once a part of a white power group and now he’s married to a black woman.